Is Saunacore Infrared Sauna Really Quality?

Saunacore Canada claims its mission is to be obsessed with quality in building its infrared saunas as well as its traditional indoor and outdoor units.  For some of its products is is true.

But unfortunately some products do not follow this quality and others are greatly overpriced.

A full Saunacore review is challenging to complete for many reasons.  While Saunacore sauna is different than 90% of its competitors, one competitor, Heavenly Heat Saunas has superior medical-grade infrared saunas which have a substantially lower price.

Does their stated obsession to quality benefit you?

Saunacore does many things.  It has infrared saunas, traditional saunas and is known for its stand alone steam heaters.

The short answer is that for those desiring a medically pure sauna for extremely chemically sensitive people, Heavenly Heat Saunas are a vastly superior option with a price tag that is far less.  We encourage you to read that page on Heavenly Heat Saunas carefully. This Saunacore review will mention and compare to Heavenly Heat sauna cost, exceptional clean quality and value numerous times. You can receive a $600 discount by using the code on that review page link below.

However, for those wanting a customized traditional sauna and have a high budget for one of their luxury models, Saunacore could still be considered.

Saunacore sauna
  • Company – Excellent Extensive product lines of infrared, steam, parts and accessories.
  • Wood Cabinets -Varies. Ultra Clean wood on the Purity Line. Customizable.
  • Offers a low quality, Chinese made line with Cheap carbon heater.
  • Heater – Excellent ceramic heating element in Purity line.
  • Warranty – Good and Poor
  • Varies. Purity and Infra-Core Premium Series have Lifetime on heaters and only 5 Years on all other parts.
  • Lower end Finn-Core carries only 5 years on heater and 1 year on parts.

Saunacore Quick Rating:

Summary: Products are mostly available through dealers, not directly from the Manufacturer.  Purity Line and Infra Core are priced between $6000 – $11,500, double that of Heavenly Heat, which has medically pure wood cabins, ultra pure heaters, a superior warranty and endorsed by dozens of doctors and medical facilities.  The Vu-Classic style can be $25,000.

Rather than stick with only high quality products, Saunacore also offers a low quality line to try to also capture the lower end of the market, which is disappointing.  Their product brochure is 85 pages long and takes time to understand.

Most online Saunacore reviews are simply restatement of a few basic features on the company website.  This Saunacore review is based on 12 years of research and discussions with company representatives.  Our hope is that is saves you hours of research and helps you choose the best product for you and your family.

How Saunacore Infrared Saunas are Different

What instantly makes some of their offerings different from 95% of all other companies is that they are the actual Manufacturer. Up to 90% of all other brands sold in the US and Canada are mass produced in one of 4 factories in China, most of which use greatly inferior materials.  However, their low end line, Finn-Core is made at one of those Chinese factories.

When wanting actual detoxification and healing, the materials used and how they are combined and put together is what determines whether or not you actually benefit from its use, and to what extent.

For informed consumers a close examination of this company’s products reveals tremendous quality differences that will positively affect your health during your infrared sessions.  The Saunacore heater is where you will find the greatest benefits over lesser brands.

Medical Grade 304 Stainless Steel Saunacore Heaters

Saunacore Heaters- the Difference?

This is one area where the company stands above most others. The ceramic heating element used is premium medical grade, 304 surgical stainless steel.  What this means is when in use, there are no metal fumes being released.  Other companies which use out dated sand filled ceramic tubes are in fact producing some of the very toxins you are trying to eliminate out of your body.

Note:  When you visit their site, you may wonder where to view details about the product lines.  Most of the information on the individual models is not directly on their website, but included in what is the longest brochure in the industry.  It is 85 pages of great images and information. It is a bit overwhelming at first.  But once you understand the model lines and the dizzying array of individual steam heaters, you will see it contains more helpful information than most brands provide to you.

These heaters appear to be equal to the purest ceramics in the industry.  It is interesting to note that a highly rated company formerly used these ceramic type but switched to a more expensive carbon panel while the Heavenly Heat sauna cost did not increase.  In fact Heavenly Heat’s models and the Horizon Purity line from Sauna core (page 31 of their brochure) are the only ultra-pure units and are the ones recommended for those that are extremely chemically sensitive or already chemically ill.

However, while Heavenly Heat manufacturers only the one extremely clean product line, Saunacore Canada also manufacturers other lines.

The Saunacore heater is also concave providing up to 96%  efficiency in directing the infrared to your body.  Understand that many inexpensive (read cheap) products using ceramic rods have efficiency of 50% or less.  Many companies use inexpensive ceramics that were actually designed for purposes such as drying paint on automobiles and other non-health related purposes.


Infra-Floor Heating

The high end Infra-Core line also offers an optional upgrade which includes full floor heating.  This same concept is offered standard with two top companies, Clearlight and Vital Health, although Sauncaore’s is full floor heating.  It supplies 12 watts per square foot which is a low temperature, but enough to keep the feet from becoming the coldest part of the body.  The feet contain almost 20,000 pores and there are strong opinions that this far infrared saunas to the feet can add an extra benefit.

What Wood and Glues Does Saunacore Use?

The company is very particular about the woods and other components used in constructing the wood cabins.  In the Infra-core line, very small amounts of wood-glues are used and those used are water based non toxic glues.  Non corrosive screws are used to secure the wood pieces together.  The Purity line uses no adhesives at all.  However they state the wood used in manufacturing the Purity line is stated to be treated with what are called non-harmful substances.

In contrast, Heavenly Heat uses no wood treatments or wood glues.

Saunacore Product Lines

Their products lines are extensive and a bit confusing at first glance.  Their product catalog is over 85 pages long.  They offer infrared saunas, traditional and dual saunas.  Classic Outdoor and Country Living Barrel are the outdoor models. However, if you want the best outdoor infrared sauna, check our ratings page.

The indoor traditional include the Classic rectangular shape with either a wood or glass front, Neo Classic Corner, Bay Style Sauna and Vu Classic which can cost as much as $25,000.

Horizon Purity Line

This is the Medical grade line designed for home use.  It is their purest line using only non-corrosive screws to assemble the cabin.  The wood used is solid poplar or cedar.  I do think this product line could be improved a little.  A stereo and speakers does come with this unit which I would actually prefer to see not included when designed for the ultra chemically sensitive. For 99% of users, however, this should not be an issue at all.

Additionally I wish the air circulation system was included in this line.  However, Sauna core has informed me that the Opti-Cool circulation system was omitted to allow this line to be priced as affordable for home use. The Horizon Purity still retails from $6000 – $7000+ even without the air circulation. This is one of the absolute cleanest units you can find.  However, we recommend considering Heavenly Heat which are all ultra pure, and priced much less.

Sauncaore Control Panel

Opti-Cool Air Circulation in the Infa-Core Line

The company’s large product line of Infra-Core units have an optimization cooling system which cools and circulates the air inside the cabin.  This technology includes a fan that brings in cool outside air and circulates that into the cabin and out a ceiling vent.  This moves through each heater and through the hollow venting inside the cabin walls.

This is an expensive process that provides two great benefits for you.

First, it vents out the toxins you are excreting through sweat and provides additional comfort.  Secondly, ceramic heaters are known for being very hot. You will experience vasodilation with blood vessels relaxing due to these high temperatures.

The cooler an infrared element is, the closer it gets to a better resonance frequency for your body’s cells and the better the body’s cells shake off toxins. So you will not experience the amount of weight loss from these heaters. The sweat gland will produce sweat profusely through your skin but toxins need to be shaken off fat cells to easily experience the weight loss.

There is a lot of technology that goes into this but basically your body will detox better with this circulation than with the exact same unit that does not have this.  Combine this with the clean ceramic Saunacore heaters and it is a combination that is surpassed only by Heavenly Heat Infrared Saunas.  This is one of the reasons this brand has very high quality.  However, this Infra-Core line does not have the purity of their Purity line and is still priced from around $7000 for the smallest unit up to $11,500.

The only other manufacturer that has the technology of an air circulation system is Heavenly Heat, which includes this in their traditional heaters and is the purest brand you can buy.

These Infra-Core air circulated units are designed with a wellness clinic or medical related office in mind.  In these settings the units are often run 8-10  hours a day with up to 20 patients using them each day.  The air circulation helps keep the units cooler throughout the day.  40% of the company’s infrared sauna units are sold for these types of medical applications.  60% end up in residential homes.  These also include the Euro-Light canopy.

Finn-Core Line and Horizon Econo Series

Horizon Econo Series is their lower end line that appears to have replaced the Finn core line. The Finn-Core was targeted to compete directly with the typical units sold by most mid-grade companies.  It is superior to the 90% of mass produced $1500 ones sold at large retail chains but not exceptional compared to a few other brands. I believe Clearlight’s lines to be superior to this Horizon Econo line with its stronger heating panels and much better full lifetime warranty.

Saunacore Sunset Infrared Sauna

The Saunacore Sunset was an economy imported by the company as an entry level product.  This does not fit the quality image the company wants.

One of Saunacore's accesories
One of Saunacore’s accesories

Saunacore’s Other Options

Saunacore Traditional Sauna Steamroom

The company also offers traditional steam heaters and traditional sauna for indoor or outdoor use in many styles as well as stand-alone electric and Country Living Wood Stoves to be used as add on parts.  These range from Steam vaporizers to their electric sauna heaters, the Elite series heaters. It also sells DIY kits and parts including doors and heat elements.

Their infrared sauna heater line is the area where this company is at its best.  Part of the Saunacore products line is working with construction companies to design and build commercial steam rooms and steambaths.

Saunacore Outdoor Saunas

The Country Living Barrel Saunas include either the Saunacore CTY-WS16 Wood Burning Stove or Special Edition Electric Heater.

Their accessory line includes thermometers, foot massagers, steam controllers, chromo therapy color lights and other related items.  This company has an expansive product line and has all aspects of beneficial sweating and detoxification therapy covered.

They also have a line of steam bath generators including the Steamcore Spa II and Steamcore Pro Series for a steam sauna and steam room.  These can be part of their custom do-it-yourself sauna kits.

As you can see, their product lines are extensive with a sauna heater being a major part of their product line.


Infra-Core and Horizon Purity models carry a 5 year warranty on parts with lifetime coverage on the heaters. While this is a good warranty, I wish the other parts carried a longer warranty then 5 years.  This is an impressive company producing products that will likely last you for decades.  Perhaps in the future the warranties will increase, more accurately reflecting this.

However, this is still a good warranty on products that will likely never disappoint any owner, except perhaps for the initial price.

The lower end Finn-Core carry only 1 year on parts and only 5 years on the heating element. Very disappointing when compared to Clearlight’s full lifetime warranty that includes superior carbon heaters.

Saunacore Sauna Prices

Prices will range from between $6000 – $11,500 for the Purity and Infra Core up to as high as $25,000 for the Vu-Classic Bay Model.

Saunacore Sauna Review Conclusion

If you are wanting to own a customized product or one of the best the industry has to offer and price is not a factor, you could consider this Canadian brand, headquartered in Ontario, Canada.  Most of their products are very much better than the $1500 units sold in large chain stores.  However, there are better options for any of their infrared sauna products.

Saunacore actually manufactures a lot of its own products which is what allows it to offer not only customized cabins, customized ceramic placements, glass doors etched with company logos, etc, but also allows it to build some of its products as pure, quality units from exceptionally superior components.

Your Sauna Choices:

For a medical practice with daily patient use, this company and Heavenly Heat should be your top considerations.  Both actually manufacturer their own units and provide air circulation.  Saunacore prices are nearly twice as much, however.

For home use with an ultra chemically sensitive person their Purity Line is rivaled only by Heavenly Heat. The Purity is also  ideal for any home for the average person.

But again, Heavenly Heat has the purest medial grade heaters anywhere, provides air circulation, has exceptional customer service with low pressure sales for over 3 decades, offers options including wheels/castors, near infrared full spectrum with a much lower price tag.

The top doctor in the world specializing in treating chemically sensitive patients has used Heavenly Heats Infrared Saunas since 1994.   Dozens of other medical clinics and doctors do as well.

If you are looking for a high quality product with a price on the lower end of these high end units, we think Clearlight offers better options than the lower end Finn-Core line.  As well, for 95% of users, Clearlight’s units offer exceptional detoxification, which is backed up by numerous clinical studies.

Sunlighten has technology that rivals and beats this brand.  Again, at a lower price.

If you are serious about wanting to truly improve your health and budget is not a consideration, you could consider this company’s Purity line.  We also encourage you to study the best brands comparison table as well as read the other top reviews.  Our opinion, based on 12 years of research, is that Heavenly Heat sauna cost is half as much and will provide a superior pure product. Clearlight and Heavenly Heat offer exceptional units at a better price.  Sunlighten and Vital Health’s units are better options than the lower end Finn-Core.

To your Health.